Blue Star
Elisabeth Star, born November 10th 1955 near Munich, Germany. Started to sing in churchchoirs at 7, to play the violin at the age of 10, church organ at 11 and moved to the piano at the age of 15. It was soon after, that she decided to become a professional musician. After completing her classical studies she wanted to expand her view by travelling (to the far east) and searching for alternative forms of working an living. Peter Blue, born January 21st 1954 near Hagen, Germany, started to play the guitar at the age of 16. He soon played in local bands, continuously searching for his music. By 1975 he withdrew fom playing in bands & started writing music. It seemed he did not find the right companions for what he was after and for years he was suffering from the fact, that he did´nt find the right partners for his music. He also experimented with alternative ways of living and working. Peter and Elisabeth first met in 1983.
They became lovers at that time, not knowing that they would become
fellow artists and businesspartners too. Their background
was so different, that it took some time to get together in music as
well. In the end of 1985 however, Blue Star was born. In
their (very small) first recording studio they started with their
instrumental music. At that time, that kind of music was new to germany
and record labels were not interested. Since they work together, Peter & Elisabeth have created a unique instrumental sound in which outstanding melodious guitarwork, fine (vintage) keyboards and sounds and rythms from all around the world create the world of BLUE STAR. Today the artists live and work in the countryside near Munich.
The albums:1. Western SkiesReleased 12/89, Label Cool Breeze/BMG-Aris Produced by Peter Blue & Elisabeth Star Genre: New Age / Contemporary instrumental Musicians: Elisabeth Star: All keyboards & Piano, sampling Peter Blue: All Guitars, Bass, small perc., sampling All tracks written by Peter Blue & Elisabeth Star Tracks: Western Skies Paulchen Marilyn Time can tell Desert noon Annika Rothenburg My Love Wales Bahyaa Boots On their debut Western Skies Blue Star
already impressed critics and listeners with their colourful
instrumental music. Ignoring the Zeitgeist Blue Star simply did, what
they can best: Playing lovely music, that makes you feel good. 2. Cry BabyReleased: April 91 Label Cool Breeze/BMG-Aris Produced by Peter Blue & Elisabeth Star Genre: New Age / Contemporary Instrumental Musicians: Peter Blue: All guitars, bass, sampling All tracks except God Bless The Child written by Peter Blue & Elisabeth Star Tracks: Raindance Big Birds in the Sky Raw Beauty Cool Breeze God Bless the Child Ride the Blue Train Isla Vedra 1 & 2 Cry Baby Ruby Seven Seas Ri - Fou - Fou On Cry Baby Blue Star even expanded their musical range. Some bluesy influences got stronger, and again it was germany´s WOM - Journal, that compared Peter´s guitarplaying to Peter Green´s style. For the first time, Elisabeth started
using Hammond sounds, not knowing yet, that she already was infected
with the B3 virus. The soft and gentle track Cool Breeze was later used
by DAIMLER BENZ in their promotional Video"The G - Class"
(many thousands of copys worldwide) There is a little Story to
each track that is told in the booklet. Once again, the Zeitgeist did
not exactly know what to do with an album that spread from newage to
rock to dance (" yes we already used 808 drums on some
3. Nr.3Released May 93 Label Cool Breeze Produced by Peter Blue & Elisabeth Star Genre: New Age / Contemporary Instrumental Musicians: Elisabeth Star: HammondB3, Fender Rhodes, Piano, Synthesizers Peter Blue: Electric & acoustic guitars, small percussion,harp Wayne Harley (who actually was Peter Blue) bass Elmar Schmidt: Drums Richard Laughlin: Fluegelhorn on Polar Baer´s waltz All Tracks written by Peter Blue & Elisabeth Star Tracks: Prelude in G - minor Have Mersey Ride the tide Mr. Love Winds of time Cemetary Blues Acme Book Shop Ghost Town Moon 2 The Magician Sarah´s Prayer For You Polar Baer´s Waltz Dr. Heckel & Mr. Jive Why do birds sing? On Nr.3 Blue Star were tired of
drummachines & synthesizers. Elisabeth had finally got her B3 and
Fender Rhodes, which gave this album a more "back to the
roots" appearence. The tracks were, as usual, full of
remarkable melodies. Nr.3 was far away from easy
listening, and not everybody understood this album that was an important
step for Blue Star.
4. Suite für die Tibeter - Suite for the tibetansReleased: 7/95 Label: Blue Flame / BMG Genre: New Age/ Meditation Produced by Peter Blue & Elisabeth Star Musicians: Peter Blue: All guitars, bass, programming, perc. Elisabeth Star: All keyboards, sampling, programming All tracks written by Peter Blue & Elisabeth Star Tracks: Suite Fuer Die Fünf Tibeter (short version) Suite Fuer Die Fünf Tibeter (long version) Silverline The Pink Piano Suite for the Tibetans had already been written in 1990. It was the music for the famous exercises of the bestseller book DIE FÜNF TIBETER. As the book was a millionseller, the accompanying cassettes were the first commercial success for Blue Star. By 1995 Blue Star rerecorded the
material for CD and added 2 bonustracks. The production was
licensed to the label Blue Flame and distributed worldwide by BMG.
It is more quiet stuff for meditation & relaxation. 5. Himalaya Suite - Suite fuer die Tibeter 2Released: 6/97 Label: Blue Flame/ BMG Genre: New Age, Contemporary Instrumental, Worldmusic Produced by Peter Blue & Elisabeth Star Musicians: Elisabeth Star: Hammond B3, Fender Rhodes, piano, synthesizers, sampling Peter Blue: Electric &
acoustic guitars, bass, small percussion, programming, theremin,
mandolin, All tracks written by Peter Blue & Elisabeth Star Tracks:
Dawatschen Gyayum Tschenmo Lung Gom Tschenresis Vow Dakini Dance Tumo Blue Lotus
Although the record label had subtiteled
Himalaya Suite as "Suite für die Tibeter Vol 2", it is a
completely different album. As a conceptalbum, it takes
interesting aspects of tibetan mythology as a starting point for each of
the tracks. Peters electric and acoustic guitars
are, as usual, present with expressional melodies. Elisabeths
Hammond doesn´t just bring a touch of gospel, but also spacey width
into the musical expression, as last heard on Bo Hanssons "Lord of
the Rings". As new additons, worldpercussion, mandolin and in TUMO
the Theremin, were used. This is the biggest sounding album BLUE
STAR has produced so far, and the artists are still proud of it.
Other releases:Music for the CD CHAKRA BREATHING (Synthesis Verlag)Audioset /Medienset "Die Fünf Tibeter" Music for the TV - series "Telegym Yoga" Music for promotional videos of DAIMLER BENZ & SIEMENS Filmmusic for Kirch - Gruppe Music for CD -Roms Music for Videos New Stuff:We are cooking lots of new material right now. Actually we have produced already the material for another two albums, but we have not decided yet what and how to release. There is also a complete acoustic guitar album," Duets in the Sun" that is waiting to be released. |