Robert Pace


Hailing from Grand Rapids, Michigan, Robert Pace is making waves all the way out west in Los Angeles, California. As the bass and guitar player for Pax Stereo's Hemsley-Foster Project, Robert is continually reaching out for new horizons. "I like to experiment. And I also enjoy and play all types and styles of music. Right now I'm learning to sequence on the computer and even playing some keyboards."

But Robert stresses that he will never stray too far from his trusty bass and guitar. "You got to keep to the basics, and listening and continually trying to grow musically is very important. Robert is currently working on a debut album with his good friends, Irvin Foster and Mario Hemsley.

Date of birth: August 3,1962

Astrological Sign: Leo

Place of birth: Muskegon: Michigan

High School: Muskegon High School

Interests: Electronics, music,

Current Activities: Writing and recording my debut album.

Influences: "my father and my mother, for teaching me strong values."

Marital Status: Married

Children: (In order)

  • Maria
  • Latifa
  • Alexandria
  • William
  • Chavain
  • Lindsey
  • Octavia
  • Rebekka

Q: How did you get started?

At the age of ten. I began by playing the broom. My parents said "we have to get this boy a guitar cause he's tearing up every broom in the house." I used to make guitars with thread, rubber bands and pieces of wood. I used a plastic spool leftover from thread to make a bridge. The guitar only had one string, but I could play whole songs on that one string. I got my first real guitar about the time that the movie Superfly came out. Actually, Buck and The Preacher (from the movie of the same name) was really the first song I learned how to play. Then I learned how to play all of Superfly. At that time I believe I was just about ten.

Q: What was your first band?

I joined my father's gospel group at the age of twelve. I played bass guitar. Eventually I began playing at nightclubs. My mother didn't object because she knew how important it was to me to grow musically. I snuck in to play my first club gig at the age of fourteen at the Elks Club in Muskegon. I played with every local band that was out then.

Q: What are your goals?

My future goal is to write songs and to be able to financially support myself and my family with music. If not...I guess I'll just have to get a nine to five like everyone else (laughs).

Also I want to get my son, daughters, nieces, nephews -anyone else, into the music business. My niece recently won the Michigan Miss Teen Pageant singing one of Whitney Houston's songs. I would like to help her get her music career going.

Q: What advice do you give to aspiring young musicians?

Pick another profession (laughs heartily). No, if it is really your dream, then keep on pushing. That's how you turn dreams to reality. I do believe this stuggle has made me better. It's given me something to live for.