my review about Lincoln Adler's album
Grateful ten years have passed. A period that
changes people and sometimes also their music. Of course,
one cannot shed one's past like a cloak. Experiences,
abilities, influences, origins continue to shape you. But
one can try to renew oneself. In case of saxophonist Lincoln
Adler, this attempt is called Tabula Rasa.
The Latin expression tabula rasa (tabula “board” and rasa
“scraped”, radere “scraped”) originally referred to a
wax-covered writing board that was smoothed by scraping off
the writing and can be rewritten like a blank sheet of
paper. Figuratively, it means clearing the air and starting
from scratch.
Lincoln Adler ventures a new beginning with a fresh band
consisting of Erik Jekabson (trumpet, flugelhorn), Mike
Blankenship (keyboards), Scott Thompson (bass) and Aaron
Green (drums). Tabula Rasa is a digital EP with five tracks,
all written and arranged by Lincoln with the except of the
cover Red Clay.
The album starts with Alchemy, which is also the
first single of the album now rotating on many radio
stations. Lincoln defines it as "Getting the mix of
ingredients just right ends up creating a whole that’s so
much more than the sum of the parts." Stylistically,
the group can be classified in the field of contemporary
jazz, although it is more of the melodic variety.
When we talk about the term chord progression, than
Tabula Rasa is a fitting example. Temple bells are
included as an exotic component. Saxophone, trumpet and
flugelhorn are finely tuned to each other.
Red Clay was originally written and performed by
jazz trumpeter Freddie Hubbard in 1970. Of course, the group
around Lincoln Adler cannot compete with the jazz giants who
settled around Freddie Hubbard. It should rather be
understood as a quotation of the classic jazz brilliant.
The Point poses the existential question about
the core of the essential. A melody that circles around the
center of the main theme again and again and ultimately
remains on a quest. Isn't the way the goal? Erik Jekabson
and Lincoln Adler present intense solos on the flugelhorn
and saxophone respectively.
The In Between thematises the state of transition
in a similar way to its predecessor. As we are used to from
contemporary jazz, we experience a thoroughly complex
processing of a leitmotif, which is taken apart and
synthesized anew according to the rules of music.
Lincoln Adler's Tabula Rasa is a typical
representative of the contemporary jazz genre. Since the
time with the formation Times 4 Lincoln goes his individual
way. This has not changed even with the personnel

Buy the album at bandcamp
Album Information
Title: Tabula Rasa
Artist: Lincoln Adler
Year: 2021
Genre: Smooth Jazz
Label: Hubtones Music
1. Alchemy 04:04
2. Tabula Rasa 05:02
3. Red Clay 03:54
4. The Point
5. The In Between 04:56
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