based guitar virtuoso Rob Tardik is a regular contributor
to the smooth jazz world. Without Words (2006), followed by The Right Time
(2009), Balance.Energy.Laughter.Love
(B.E.L.L) in 2011, Limitless (2013),
and Moments (2015) are landmarks in
music history. The new album Synergy (2017)
exploits Tardik's full potential, who focuses this time
on teamwork and diversity.
Synergy starts with Rob's powerful and funky guitar
chords in remarkable mastery and conviction. Carson Freeman
adds his colorful signature tenor sax sound. Vincent Ingala
does not appear as a well-known saxophonist but
shows his talents as bassist, pianist and drum programmer.
Once in a Lifetime turns the pointer on soft rock
music featuring Mark Masri as lead vocalist in the style of
Bon Jovi or Bruce Springsteen. The uplifting Hope
is an entertaining mood-setter with the flair of Rocco
Granata's huge hit Marina.
Two Much Fun is the aptly description of the
emotional undimmed playfulness between guitarist Tardik,
Freeman and keyboardist Davor Jordanovski, who has
significantly contributed to the success of the album.
The soul searing beauty of Crying with You
originates from the impressive acoustic guitar harmony
Tardik masters with breathtaking perfection. Let's Get
Together is spreading cheerful atmosphere in a colorful
panorama of instruments and vocals. M&M's is a
vibrant demonstration of guitar virtuosity, that finds its
equivalence in
Jordanovski's ingenious keyboard work.
Synchronicity is the magic word for the ideal state
when two artists are responding to the melodic flow in
perfect harmony like Tardik and Freeman. Perseverance
is a term that is more at home in high performance sports.
But it is also demanded of the musicians who devote their
lives to the muse. SRT stands for Street and Racing
Technology, uprated vehicles from Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep.
Rob goes full on rock music in musical correspondent of the
powerful engines.
The GuiTardik's Stomp is a celebration of the soul
and spirit breathing in country music. The synthetic word
Guitardik is a combination of guitar and Tardik and
the title of Tardik's label. Which genre is missing? You are
right, Motion is the answer for all lovers of
acoustic guitar music.
Rob Tardik practices with Synergy the
greatest possible diversity of music-writing styles. Not
everything for everyone, but something for everyone could be
the motto of the album.
