legend Kirk Whalum is as I already stated in another review a
wanderer between the two worlds of smooth jazz and Gospel music.
With his new album Humanité he breaks through this
Humanité is an album, whose music is formed in mosaic
shape by the musicians and their involved personalities they have
brought in to the recording process. Among many others the
following musicians are participating: Japanese jazz pianist Keiko
Matsui, the young bass phenomenon Barry Likumahuwa, gifted
singer/songwriter Grace Sahertian and global pop star Indonesian
singer/actor Afgansyah Reza, known to many as Afgan,
vocalist/guitarist Zahara, one of South Africa’s biggest stars,
Kasiva Mutwa of Nairobi, and the veteran UK jazz vocalist Liane
Curtis Mayfield's song Move On Up has lost none of its
radiance since its inception in the '70s. Especially in the last
months you can meet his song in ever new variations. Kirk Whalum
goes his own way with his interpretation which is settled near a
jazzy attitude in a Weather Report way. Singer Brendan Reilly is
sensationally excellent.
Everybody Oughta Be Free follows the political guideline
deepened by singer Robyn Troop. Nevertheless Kirk Whalum is in the
center with soprano and tenor saxophones. With Don't Get Me
Wrong (I’m Grateful) Kirk dives into South African realms. He
works with Mi Casa, a house trio or band based in Johannesburg,
South Africa and consisting of three members, Dr. Duda (producer)
and pianist, J'Something (vocalist and guitarist), and Mo-T
(trumpeter). A stroke of luck in music history comparable to Paul
Simon's Graceland.
Wake up Everybody is a song by Harold Melvin & the Blue
Notes, successfully covered by John Legend and The Roots.
Musically on the same level is the rendition presented by Afgan. A
voice to remember. Wildflower was a hit by the band
member of Skylark, late guitarist Doug Edwards. Together with lead
vocalist Liane Carroll Kirk Whalum reveals the beauty of the
melody again.
Get Your Wings Up featuring singer Andrea Lisa reminds me
a little of the music of Fifth Dimension. Now I Know
presents South African singer Bulelwa Mkutukana, best known by her
stage name Zahara. She sings in her mother language Xhosa, a Nguni Bantu
language. With her wonderful harmonies she is able to convince.
SJL is one of the rare instrumental of this album.
Pianist Keiko Matsui and Kirk create a vibrant interplay based on
the groove by bassist Mark Jaimes and percussionist Kasiva Mutua.
Korogocho (Korogocho is one of the largest slum
neighborhoods of Kenya's capital Nairobi) is an
extraordinary jazz fusion piece, which presents next to a free
improvising Kirk on soprano saxophone two bassists at once, Marcus
Miller and Barry Likumahuwa. Blow 4U seamlessly links up
with old funk times. It is worth mentioning that Kirk also raises
his voice in addition to his tenor saxophone.
Kwetu means in Suaheli us or home. The piece incorporates
the Ghetto Classic Orchestra. The project "Ghetto Classics",
sponsored by the foundation "Art of Music", aims to give children
and teenagers the opportunity to take responsibility for their
lives and develop other perspectives than collecting rubbish. The
tune was written by famous Kenyan pianist Aaron Rimbui, who also
performs the piano.
Indonesian singer and songwriter Grace Sahertian is the featured
interpret of the song Peace. We Shall Overcome You
showcases Nigerian-French vocal personality Asa, which means in
Yoruba culture. The tune is a Pop song with Ska rhythm. Her newest
album is called Lucid. From the East to the West
showcases Japanese Gospel formation Heavenese. The piece becomes a
strong local coloring due to the instruments used like Koto,
Taiko, Shakuhachi and Shamisen.
Humanité considers itself as an intercultural and
international link, where music is the common denominator of
international understanding. Kirk Whalum's aim was to portray the
diversity and colorfulness of the musical world and at the same
time the will to join together.

Buy the album in all stores
Album Information
Title: Humanité
Kirk Whalum
Year: 2019
Genre: Soul Jazz
Label: Mack Avenue Records
1 Move on Up (feat. Brendan Reilly) 3:56
2 Everybody Oughta
Be Free (feat. Robyn Troop) 5:06
3 Don't Get Me Wrong (I’m
Grateful) [feat. Mi Casa] 4:42
4 Wake up Everybody (feat.
Afgan) 4:54
5 Wildflower (feat. Liane Carroll) 5:02
Get Your Wings Up (feat. Andrea Lisa) 5:30
7 Now I Know
(feat. Zahara) 4:06
8 SJL (feat. Keiko Matsui) 5:05
Korogocho (feat. Marcus Miller & Barry Likumahuwa) 5:56
Blow 4U 4:40
11 Kwetu (feat. Ghetto Classics & Aaron Rimbui)
12 Peace (feat. Grace Sahertian) 4:46
13 We Shall
Overcome You (feat. Asa) 3:56
14 From the East to the West
(feat. Heavenese) 4:31
Further Reviews:
The Gospel According To Jazz III
Everything Is Everything
Romance Language