guitarist Earl Carter might be unknown, he has already played on many
projects. He performed for example on Bobby Lyle's "Straight and Smooth", on
Marcus Johnson's Live - In Person – DVD, Live @ Blues
Alley and Just Doing What I Do, Jaared's Hangtime,
Alyson Williams' It's About Time and Spike Lee's soundtrack to Do
The Right Thing. Earl performs in multiple genres of music
including R&B, neo soul, contemporary jazz, reggae, alternative
rock, pop, hip hop, gospel, house, etc.
After No Frettin' (2002) and 495 (2005)
My Paradise (2007) is Earl Carter's third solo album. His
passion is still guitar featured contemporary jazz and you have to be
a fan of this genre to really get access to his new album. On the
other hand Earl Carter is experienced enough to make his work
accessible. Earl is performing guitar, bass and on most of the tracks
also keyboards and programming. He is supported by Mike Corbett
(drums, keyboards, programming, bass synth).
Acid Intro is not acid jazz but a cjazz
shuffle. Something we already heard from DTTB's laboratory.
On Jammin' At The Alley Earl plays chords in the style of George Benson on a funky background of wah-wah
rhythm guitars. Adding melody lines using the overdubbing feature he
creates a song rising like a phoenix from the ashes.
My Paradise is Earl's new heart child. He
performed all instruments on this tune of timeless simplicity.
Latin Fever has a burning Spanish flavor. Earl
Carter builds on a main melody his diverse solos. Improvising is
Earl's great passion.
For those who await less guitar solos but a constant
melody Ear Carter presents My Boo. This song as single could be
more popular than My Paradise.
Happy Anniversary is Earl's birthday present
featuring singer Annie Sidley. Annie has proven herself an
accomplished composer as well as one of the most dynamic and charming
R&B/Pop performers today. She and her band tour nationally and
have shared the stage with Joan Jett, WAR, Chuck Brown, Paul Taylor,
Joyce Cooling and Kenny Wayne Shepherd. Her current album is Diamond
in the Sand (2006).
Walking through the forest during the Indian Summers
is a special pleasure. Earl Carter catches this moment in his tune
full of emotions.
More sentiments do you find in the interlude Come
With Me. This song is featuring singer Josh Stepherson and Sharli
McQueen. Sharli's
debut album “Strong Young Girl” had success in the R&B/Pop music
Head Bopper was written by Mike Corbett. A slow tune with a
curious keyboards intervention.
Your Mind is the second song featuring Josh and Sharli in a duet.
Nevertheless Earl's guitar stands in the foreground while the singer
are reduced to background singers. The constant bass drum rhythm is of
a simple structure.
I suggest to enjoy Earl's brilliant guitar performance.
Ride Home has an infective melody line and convincing guitar
Horse With No Name was composed by guitarist Dewey Bunnell of the
group America for their stellar debut album America (1972). By
using an acoustic guitar Earl Carter's approach reaches a reasonable
Davis is the god of jazz. Hundreds of artists are inspired by his
genius. Earl Carter's tribute to Miles Davis is called A Taste Of
Miles. Earl Carter and Mike Corbett had so much fun performing
this tune, that Earl added a further Postlude to his album.
Carter's new album My Paradise has some great moments.
Especially friends of guitar music will enjoy this album. On the other
hand I miss more involvement of additional musicians. A Taste Of Miles
is a good run-up for this valuable improvement.

- Bio
- Earl Carter - Website
- Review about Earl Carter's album 495
- Buy the album at
- Title: My Paradise
Artist: Earl Carter
Year: 2007
Length: 0:47:13
Genre: General Jazz
Label: E&M Music
01 Acid Intro (Prelude) [0:59]
02 Jammin' At The Alley [4:09]
03 My Paradise [4:31]
04 Latin Fever [3:24]
05 My Boo [4:12]
06 Happy Anniversary [3:53]
07 Indian Summers [3:41]
08 Come With Me (Interlude) [2:10]
09 The Head Bobber [3:23]
10 In Your Mind [4:40]
11 Smooth Ride Home [3:45]
12 A Horse With No Name [4:00]
13 A Taste Of Miles [3:40]
14 A Taste Of Miles (Postlude) [0:41]