What better way to express that than with your own solo album. Produced over three years, he expressed his ideas in fourteen compositions. In the process, he has invited musicians from all over the world to his recordings. The names of the musicians are listed in the credits. This impressive number of musicians is possible only because of the Internet, especially in the conditions of the currently existing pandemic. Opener of the album is Mallorca, a piece about the Spanish dream island of many Europeans. A fresh sea breeze of unadulterated music, with the central theme interpreted by Dan Boissy on saxophone and beautifully underpinned by Kriz Flew on trumpet and flugelhorn. These Days Are Truly Beautiful puts a lot of emphasis on the atmospheric and recommends itself as a musical background for the best time of your life. Saxophonist Capaldi pairs the sound with Kriz Flew in an impressive horn arrangement. West Coast is also melody-driven, performed by the saxophone with horn backings. This principle is also continued in the title song, now with prominent instrumentation by international saxophonist Arno Haas. To be honest, one is a bit surprised, since the composer of all pieces is the guitarist André Kunz, who, however, exercises gentlemanly restraint with his instrument. On 9 a.M. Smooth saxophonist Fabian Capaldi teams with Kriz Flew. More pleasantly, Fabian spices it up with some improvisation, but it's a little less in proportion to the thematic range. Harmonically, everything is in the green. On Touched By An Angel the patient listener seems to be able to recover somewhat from the overdose of saxophones. Those who love the guitar music style of Mike Oldfield will get their money's worth here. Unconditional Love enchants in a sweet manner with Dan Levine on sax as magical whisperer. André gives Truth Matters a wisdom of life an exciting musical face, with Fabian Capaldi standing out resoundingly on saxophone. Dreamer once again optimizes the perfect saxophone harmony. But here Ephrem Luechinger creates a musical counterweight on the keys. If the occasion for Trouble at Edgewater Drive may have been unpleasant, with this piece André achieves the decisive musical breakthrough on the international smooth jazz market. One can only advise him to place this dynamic piece with hit potential as a single. Good Night Song has the character of a lullaby, which in its gentleness achieves exactly the purpose it intends. Every season has its charm, but summer probably has the highest value. Almost Summer pays lively tribute to this as well. W.I.P. is the abbreviation for work in progress or process in this case with an elating Latin American rhythm. Finale of the album is Stay With Me, a request that is gladly complied with. Zakhar Valaha brings a special touch to the game with his string elements. André Kunz proves with his album Sweet Soul that Switzerland is not only the country of top wristwatches, but also of top music. The album excels especially with gorgeous saxophone harmonies while his guitar unfortunately comes a bit too short.
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Album Information
Title: Sweet Soul
Flew (trumpet, flugelhorn) André
Kunz (guitars, percussions) Marco
Gnoatto (keys) Andreas Schnyder (drums, bass) Asen Doykin (keys) Georgios Mikirozis (percussion) Thomy Jordi (bass) Arno Haas (sax) André Buser (bass) Fabian Capaldi (sax) Omar Harb (bass) Sam Levine (sax) Kevin Madsen (bass) Dan Levine (sax) Pascal P. Käser (bass) Ephrem Luechinger (keys) Klaus Spencker (guitar) Ruido Barilari (bass) Marc Lehan (drums) Zakhar Valaha (strings) |