Colors is his newest project produced by Marvin "Tony" Hemmings. Beside saxophonist Martin are performing on selected tracks Aaron Bucky Buckingham (drums), Jamaal Andrews (bass), Daniel Kelley Howard and Kenny Kohlhaus (guitars). Don't expect any medical miracles when Phillip starts his album with Colors. Short and compact, he sums up his message in a nutshell to a catchy tune. Make You Feel presents his sax underlined with Julian Vaughn's voluminous bass. Funky Phil serves colorful percussive and rhythmic beats with a strong funky attitude. Deeper features singer Uzorije Carter in a compelling rhythm programmed box. Attention lures with female vocal power. Elan Noel is responsible for the female art of seduction that is offered to us in this song. With Versace Phillip continues the romantic attitude. A tender ballad just written from Phillip's heart. Sexy Love explores romance on Marvin Gaye's vibes of Sexual Healing. Groove Step has nothing in mind but to spice up the homely atmosphere with a little funky sax. In search of the everlasting splendor, Beautiful gives the musical answer. Outro captures for the final time the smoky mood of a local pub often the place to be for excellent musicians. Phillip "Doc" Martin creates his own place as a romancer with his album Colors using his artistic freedom. Anyone who loves soulful sax finds here his joyous paradise.
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Title: Colors |