A specialty of this album is the fact that David T. Shamley has written and arranged most of the tracks of this album. However David Keys has performed most of the instruments. Further musicians mentioned in the liner notes are on selected tracks Alphaeus Washington (guitar) and Allen Brown (bass). The album starts with I'm Sorry, David Shamley's intimate apologize directed to father in heaven for neglecting over so long time the dialogue we commonly call prayer. Got to Do Better follows this Gospel style presenting David with the sincere affirmation, to change his life in a more positive way. The Lord's Prayer (also called Our Father or Pater Noster among other names) is arranged by David T. Shamley in a soulful way on the borderline of R&B and Christian music. Just Believe delves deeper into the relationship with God and the own faith with some biographical sketches in an incisive and substantial musical language. Perfectly harmonized and with a wonderful timbre. Hey Father is a laid-back approach to connect to God with a funky mode. Sometimes in Life is a wake-up call for greater commitment praising the advantage of our Christian engagement, all embedded in a powerful musical intensity. Keep On is a wonderful song about the waiting on Christ to come. A song with deep feelings and connectivity to the Christian faith. Final tune is the continuation of I'm Sorry. Shamley creates an emotional centered speech around the story of life and the right way to Jesus. The Transition is an outstanding Christian album with an exceptional voice, musical craftsmanship and a message for all who believe in God.
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Title: The Transition |