The JT Project has already released the five albums Love Passion Correspondence Vol. 1 (2009), Love Passion Correspondence Vol. 2 (2012), Love Passion Correspondence Vol. 3 (2013), Under The Covers (2014), and Moments Of Change (2016). For their sixth album Another Chance (2017) the group has partnered again with record label Trippin N' Rhythm. Todd Schefflin (saxophone), Jacob Webb (keyboards), Nathan Webb (drums), Ross Alston (bass), Randall Haywood (flugelhorn), and vocalist April May are the creators of this album. With raw energy the duo opts for Another Chance. Based on a modern technic enhanced rhythm Todd infused some human touch on his saxophone with some incredibly tasty tones. Give Me the Heat fades colorful sax exploration into whimsy keyboard surroundings. Love Language starts with great ballyhoo beat while the saxophone follows a heartfelt melody line. Segue cajoles with Nathan Webb's elegant drum performance supporting Todd's sax interpretation finding expression by his exalted signature style. The Latin flavored Lifelong Journey invites to a tea dance for lonely hearts. Todd's affectionate sax performance on Open Your Eyes mirrors the musical versatility of the duo with fiery and dulcet creations that will make your mouth water. Watch Out get the groove on with a hybrid swing of sax and rhythm. As Po' Boy shows up, Todd Schefflin is one of the hot tickets in smooth jazz saxophone, while Jacob Webb adds sonic light-and bang-effects to an organic sound. If you miss your morning coffee than Sunlight might wake you up. Breath fits smoothly in the overall aesthetics of the popular smooth jazz format. Louisa is a melodic euphoria with the sax as dominant lead instrument. Schefflin absolves The Last Time with a keen lyrical concept. Hard Song displays his easiness in developing even complex structures outside the main melody. Pure Intentions shows off The JT Project's natural gift for groove and easygoing flair. Windows closes the album with a smoldering tune that perfectly lays in the conceptual interface of this album. The JT Project entitles their new album Another Chance. They are well aware of the importance of this release as genuine ambassador of good taste and manage this task with grandeur.