New Reviews in
Starportrait |
Upon A Time, the title of the new album by the Hungarian group Peet
Project, sounds like a fairy tale from ancient times. The group does
indeed place great emphasis on the past, as they prepare the carpet for
the musical traditions of the great pop-funk-jazz groups of the 1980s
and 1990s.
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New Reviews in First View |
Musicians like to form bands. Even if each individual is already well
known, the potential is increased by joining forces. Bassist Brian
Bromberg, guitarist and producer Paul Brown and saxophonist Michael
Paulo form a new supergroup called BPM. BPM stands for Beat Per Minutes, a composer’s most accurate way to indicate the desired tempo..
New Reviews in
Patrick's Place |
The seeds of musical success
were planted before American saxophonist Jason
Jackson ended his decade-long military career three
years ago. Now, as he releases his third recording
project and first for the MBF Entertainment label on
October 25, the R&B/jazz saxophonist is fervently
motivated by his upward trajectory, a sentiment that
permeates the nine new songs he penned with his
producer, 16-time Billboard chart-topper Adam
[more] |
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In Focus - New Impressions |
and keyboardist David Bach recorded the album About Last
Night during the summersounds Concert Series in Greensburg,
PA. on August 11th, 2019. The album will be released June 20,
New Reviews in Flashback |
French born Barcelona resident and guitarist Christophe Goze
considers himself a cosmopolitan. His changing residence in eight
different countries has also influenced his
musical style.
[more] |
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